
Friday, February 22, 2013

Definition of Research | Innovation, Establishment, Expansion

What is Research?

Definition of Research:
Research Methodology

Normally research can be defined as a systematic and organized effort to investigate a specific problem that needs a solution.
In more details, research is the combination of a systematic, well organize, appropriate, scientific and data based careful survey or experiment or observation, which engaged in-

1. Innovation of new information i.e. adds something new in the field of knowledge.
2. Establishment of new relation.
3. Expansion of existing knowledge or proving, if true or false.

So, we see research involves a series of well-though out and careful executed activities.

In a nutshell we can define research as “an well organized, systematic, data based, appropriate critical, scientific inquiry or investigation into a specific problem undertaken with the objective of finding answer or solution to it”.

1.Innovation of new information: Innovation of new information means innovate something new to the existing field of knowledge. For example, we know that smoking of cigarette is the one of the major cause of happening cancer. But if any one fined something new with sufficient proof/evidence that it is also a major cause of happening cancer. Then it will be consider as a new invention which is the result of research.

2. Establishment of new relation: Say we know that y = f(x). Now if it is proved that y=f(x,z) then it will be the establishment of new relation. Again we know that demand is the function of price D=f(p). But when we will establish another relationship between demand and price such as when price decreases demand decreases but a decreasing rate because of diminishing marginal utility. So when we will find a new relation between two or more variables, it is also will be a research finding.

3.  Expansion of existing knowledge: Dr. Muhammad Yunus are saying that group lending model of Grameen bank is helping too much to the poor people. But somebody is totally refusing it. So, to find out the correct statement to expand the present knowledge or proving which one is true or false may be considered as research.
In the past time people believed that sun moves around the earth. But Galilieo  has proved that it is false. Now, we know that earth moves around the sun. So this will also be considered as a research finding.

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