
Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Test You Brain | Know How Human Brain Work

Test Your Brain and Know How Human Brain Work
MB Free Brain Test is a simple brain dominance test. This quiz gives a basic idea
about which hemisphere of the brain is more dominant, the right or the left or both are being equally used.
Description From the Software: 
Each of the hemispheres of our brain have prescribed functions or specialties. In this matter brain avoids duplication of function. Our hemispheres always work together so that we will experience a combination of right and left hemispheres in everything we do. There is however a tendency for one hemispheres to be dominant. This dominant effect how we respond to new experience and situation. Armed with the knowledge of how we use the brain, we are better equipped to know the style of learning most effective for us.

This exercise will help you to determine which hemisphere of your brain is dominant. It also determine whether you react in a more auditory and visual manner, another key factor to determining your learning style.

The Right Brain is accountable for:
  1. Can understand the “whole meaning” of what is being said
  2. Better intuitive skills
  3. Understanding of the whole picture 
  4. Interest in creative arts, craft, music etc 
  5. Very imaginative
  6. Understand symbols better
  7. Better emotional responses
  8. Spatial perception
  9. Lives in a dream world
  10. Ready to take risks
The Left Brain is accountable for:
  1. Can comprehend what is being said  
  2. Better analytical and logical thinking 
  3. Following rules and deadlines Good with details
  4. Good verbal and expressive skills
  5. Better words and language skills 
Here, there are two software link are given. Download them and test your brain. 
  1. Features:
    Test human brain
    01. Brain Work                             
    Size:  437 kb
    Format : Zip

    02. MB Free Brain Test
    Size: 1,121
    Format : Zip

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