বাংলাদেশের প্রথম এবং সবচেয়ে বড় ব্যবসা ও অর্থনীতি ব্লগ এই ব্লগে আপনি বিখ্যাত ব্যক্তিদের লেখা পড়তে পারবেন , আপনার মতামত জানাতে পারবেন, আপনার নিজের কোন ভাল অভিজ্ঞতা লাখলে শেয়ার করতে পারবেন এবং ব্যবসায় শিক্ষা শাখার বই, শিট, অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট ডাউনলোড করতে পারবেন। তাই দেরি না করে এখনই ভিজিট করুন

Thursday, March 21, 2013

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How to log in multiple Facebook, Twitter, Gmail, Yahoo account from same browser like Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera Mini and Internet Explorer.

Opening Multiple Account from same browser

Opening Multiple Facebook, Gamil, Twitter Account from same browser

Open multiple account from same browser.
I think many of you a have multiple accounts on Facebook, Twitter, Gmail, Yahoo and/or other sites. Possibly you use different browser or by log out one account to log in the different account at the same time. It is very much painful and borrowing. Actually we cannot do it because browser saves the cookies.

The great news is that you can use single browser to log in multiple (two) account. Today’s most modern browsers are providing this facility in a most easy way. I am going to show you how you can do this. So, let go the main topic:

Mozilla Firefox: Mozilla Firefox does not provide the facility of multiple log in but you can do it by installing  MultiFox. extension.
Step 01: Install MultiFox from here. See the below photo.
You have to open Multifox with Firefox. For this browse click on browse and then go to select Firefox.
Restart Mozila Firefox browser.
Step 02: Go to File and click on New Identity Profile.

login multiple Facebook, Twitter, Gmail, Yahoo account from same browser like Firefox.

Step 03: New window will be opened. Start browsing multiple accounts; one in new private window and another in first window of the same browser.
You can do this by disabling cookies

Internet Explorer: Internet Explorer enables you to log in multiple account from two windows but from same browser. For this just follow the small tips.
Just click on In Private Browsing.

login multiple Facebook, Yahoo account from browser Internet Explorer.
New window will be opened. Start browsing multiple accounts; one in new private window and another in first window of the same browser.

Chrome: Chrome also provides you the facility by the same way explorer does. Just click on New Incognito Window or just press Ctrl+Shift+N

login multiple Twitter, Gmail account from browser Google Chrome.
New browser window will be opened. Start browsing multiple accounts; one in new private window and another in first window.

Opera: Opera provides this facility most convenient way. You can use multiple account just opening private tab in the same window, same browser. Just click on Tabs and Windows  >  New Private Tab.

login multiple Facebook Gmail account from browser Opera Mini.
New tab will be opened. Start browsing multiple accounts; one in new private tab and another in first tab of the same browser.

NB: You can only use two accounts but not more than two accounts by this way. For example, you can run two facebook account, two Twitter account, two Gmail account and so on but not three or more facebook accounts or other accounts. For using more than two accounts you have to use multiple browsers.

Operating more than one account by same person is not allowed by Facebook authority. Facebook can ban both account for violating this rule. So, be careful and do not use fake account.

If you like the tips, please share it on Facebook and other social medial, like us on Facebook and being with us.

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